In some areas, yes. If you want to get out of lignite production, jobs will be lost. But, what is remarkable, is that despite subsidies the number of people working in lignite industry in Germany has steadily fallen over the last few decades and currently there are working less than 15.000 people in this area in Germany. Of course, the transformation is very painful for the directly affected people and therefore it is very important to show them new employment prospects and to help them, e.g. by providing further training.
So, climate protection can lead to a loss of jobs but more often, new jobs are created and jobs change.
Firstly, we see that within occupations environmental and climate protection activities and requirements become more and more important over time. And this increase in importance is associated with high employment growth.
Secondly, firms in the environmental sector show more dynamic employment growth than other firms and this is especially true for highly innovative firms.
And thirdly, there are several studies that show said stimulus packages that promote climate protection help the economy and the labor market more than packages without a climate protection focus.
So, altogether, I see more positive employment effects from environmental and climate protection efforts than negative ones. In other words, I see more chances than risks.
Further reading
IAB-Infoplattform: Green Economy – Auf grüner Welle zu mehr und besserer Beschäftigung?–_Auf_grüner_Welle_zu_mehr_und_besserer_Beschäftigung?____
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